
Archetypes: Theory

Carl Jung is primarily the point of reference for looking into the theory of archetypes. Jung's theory draws similarities with Freud's theory on psychoanalysis.

Using this source for reference, I can convey a simple set of rules that will make up the structure of the publication.

The general desired result of showing archetypes in relation to branding is, "By uncovering these archetypes, a person will develop a more complete, whole sense of self." The theory is based on
pre-set personality types, and archetypes also apply to gender as well as personalities. Apparently, uncovering the variation in archetype is known as "tests of courage".

Jung also expressed that, "Mentally Expressed Instincts from the Past" Archetypes are common themes which have run throughout history that support the existence of them."

"The self must balance the power of the archetypes to achieve both unity and order - Similar to Freud's concept that the Ego must be powerful enough to deal with the super-ego and the ID."

I will be using these common archetypes:

The everyman
The hero
The innocent
The giver
The rebel
The lover
The creator
The jester
The sage
The shaman

They are crossovers between personality types determined by external stimuli, and predisposition and the subconscious. I have also translated them into a contemporary setting, and obviously have related them to.

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